Monthly Archives: March 2015

ITI WMG Workshop, AGM and TweetUp

Last Friday I attended the ITI West Midlands Group Translation Workshop and AGM at Aston University. Who said that AGM’s are dry and boring?!

The day was lively with a festive atmosphere, possibly due to the partial eclipse (thanks Emmanuelle Jeannot for letting me have a look through your glasses!) but probably more to do with the opportunity for networking with (new) colleagues. The French translation workshop I joined tackled a song, idioms and a tourist brochure – fascinating! To finish off the day, Lloyd Bingham of @tweetoutwest organised a TweetUp with a few drinks at Bacchus Bar, a lovely bar on one of Birmingham’s oldest streets. A great find!

Many thanks to the organisers, Juliet Hammond-Smith and Charlie Gobbett, for such an enjoyable and interesting event, looking forward to the next one!

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The Art of Marketing

I recently attended an ITI German Network event in Birmingham to learn the ‘art’ of marketing. Rachel Goodchild (@RachelGoodchild) presenting, taught us all about the worlds of Twitter and Blogging. Being completely new to Twitter, this was a bit of an eye-opener. I’ll be honest with you, I couldn’t see the point of Twitter previously – other than for sending cute cat pictures to your friends, that is! And apparently, that’s allowed (occasionally) even if you’re only using Twitter professionally; it shows you’re human 🙂 (but I don’t think that’s a licence to talk incessantly about a certain singer and her tour, do you?!).

If you’d like to read more about using Twitter and blogging, both Kari Koonin ( and Elisabeth Hippe-Heisler ( have written excellent reports on the event.

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